
We at IMES know that the importance of proper archival preservation extends beyond our clients and partners to the wider Media & Entertainment industry, and to human beings the world over. We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about preservation topics, and on this page we’ve collected the blogs we’ve written on preservation, including our “Gear From the Vault” series (love letters from our studio engineers to the gear and media they work with).

Gear from the Vault Grant Rammer Gear from the Vault Grant Rammer


In the IMES Digital Studios, we only have the opportunity to digitize the historic EIAJ-1 tape format very rarely. Presumably most EIAJ-1 has already been systematically migrated, or dubbed, to newer formats through the years, which may partially explain why we do not see troves of this format rolling through our studios. However, the use of the EIAJ-1 standard was relatively short-lived in comparison to other formats released during this time period, so it’s more likely that large archives of EIAJ-1 simply don’t exist.

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Gear from the Vault Kelly Pribble Gear from the Vault Kelly Pribble

Studer A-827 multi-track

The Studer A-827 multi-track analog tape machine is often referred to as the “Swiss Watch” of analog tape machines. They were actually designed and manufactured in Switzerland until the late 1980’s. This is truly the last great analog multitrack machine that was manufactured.

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